About Us
Hello! Welcome to our website! "We hope you find that special companion here" We only have Family raised puppy's, and we guarantee all of our Puppy's. We want not only our puppies to be happy, but their new owners to be happy as well. We do not have our dogs or puppies in cages. They have the run of our home and are raised underfoot. The puppies are in a large play area in our living room. Puppy below is our Brindi's baby Chloe with her new buddy, a Yellow Lab. She is only 3 pounds. Veronica Young adopted her". See her comments on our Feedback-1 page" ....click here
It shows that if you have a kind and large gentle dog, they will get along just fine with a very small puppy... Give them a chance to show you. Now isn't that just adorable?

We have been raising puppy's for over 40 years as a hobby breeder. We do not support puppy mills. I have owned birds and animals my entire life, and they have always come first.

Our puppies are family raised. We do not have a kennel, The puppy's DO NOT live in cages.They have lots of toys and are very much loved and spoiled. We are only allowed to have 8 dogs where we live.
If you adopt a puppy from here, it is the state law that if a puppy needs medical care, you must take it to a vet to be treated. We had a woman who did not think her puppy was eating the dry food as he should have, so she gave the puppy canned food (same brand) she stated, but he never had canned food before and had been eating for 4-1/2 weeks, he was 10 weeks old. She let the puppy eat until he overate and vomited the food and shortly after had runny poop with blood and mucus. She refused to take him to the vet immediately and, late at night, took the puppy to the vet and said nothing about what she had done just before that. The puppy worsened as the day continued until she took him to the vet. She never told the vet the puppy was fine until she fed him canned food and that he ate like he was starved until he vomited. She never told him the poop was normal until after he ate the canned food letting the vet think he was sick when she adopted him.
Then refused treatment from the vet and tried to say it was sick when she got the puppy and called the police and then animal control. She wanted either her money back or another puppy. Why did the officer ask her if she would want another puppy when the first one was sick? She asked just before coming to my home. Animal control came and saw how well my puppies were clean and had no smell. They were healthy and happy puppies, and she urged me not to let her ever get another puppy. Just know that anything can happen to a puppy beyond our control after the puppy leaves our home. We have had people try to blame us because they shut a door on their puppy and also the following: stepped on the puppy, dropped their puppy, and even held the puppy, not allowing it to eat; all these puppies died, and they tried to get either another puppy, their money back or even a discount on another which none did we honored because it was not sick when they got the puppy.

I love all animals, and I will not take a puppy back when they were happy and playing and giving kisses and was fine when it left our home. This woman was from Mechanicsville, Md. Please google the causes of blood in puppy stool; several things can cause this, and overeating food it never had before is one of them. Finally, we will not take a puppy back even if it is 5 minutes later when it was happy, healthy, and playing when you got it. Too many things can happen that are questionable when they are in your care after leaving our home. The puppy could have been dropped. Once in a great while, do we ever have someone who causes their puppy to be hurt or ill or causes their death and tries to blame someone else, such as the one who raised the puppy? I appreciate your time and pray that this might help someone prevent pain and sorrow on a little puppy who wants nothing more than to be loved enough to get medical care from its new owners when needed. Thank you!
Someone once told me heart murmurs are only genetic, and please know not all are genetic. Some are random, a few vets have told me. Our adults do not have heart murmurs, yet I had one puppy pass at 8 weeks and 1 day from a heart murmur back in 2008. It was not genetic. The parents and grandparents did not have a murmur. The same parents had several litters of babies; this was my first and only puppy ever born with a heart murmur. We do not in-breed our dogs. This woman had 2 dogs she said that she got from the same breeder. Both had murmured. One was 7; the other 11 died from heart murmurs. She was told by a specialist the murmurs were genetic. Maybe in her situation, they were, but please remember not all are genetic; some are just random. I was told my puppy was random. You can go to 10 vets, and all can tell you something different. That is why I always get a second opinion. There are two kinds of heart murmurs one they outgrow and the other they don't.
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Above top second photo in the photo Gallery pictured is our champion-sired and pointed fawn and white long coat girl. She is such a beauty and very much spoiled and loved!
We love to hear from our customers. Please contact us anytime! We look forward to hearing from you.

Feedback From
Happy Puppy Lovers
Puppies For Sale
We also sometimes sell puppies on consignment for family members and friends puppies also on consignment, and they are also not in cages but are a part of their family.
We often get tiny T-Cups! They are three pounds and under and are the smallest of the breed.
If you think we have a puppy mill, just to let you know, people who do not invite you to their home; they might have something to hide; in other words, they don't want you to see something. Instead, they want to meet you with the puppy somewhere else...We are hoping you can come and see for yourself how clean, happy and healthy our kids/dogs are. And more importantly, how their parents are well cared for and loved as they are not dogs here but are huge members of our family. We can go on and on about how wonderful they are, but seeing for yourself will make you a believer.

We have shipped a puppy occasionally, but we would rather you come here to get them in person if you can. There are just too many people who ship puppies that people did not purchase or are sick and die. They advertise puppies they never had and ship the buyer a different puppy altogether. So many dishonest people are trying to steal your money. We have a great reputation; you can contact anyone on our feedback pages. Some say the puppy is a t-cup ( the smallest of the breed). When they get the puppy, that puppy may grow over 8 pounds. I even bought a chihuahua from a western state, had him shipped, and was told he was 5 pounds when he was 2 oz. shy from being 8 pounds. So please be aware of sight unseen purchases over the internet. It is best to adopt or buy a puppy or dog in a state where you are willing to drive and see the puppy/dog. We give everyone a written health guarantee, and all are given the first 5-way set of shots; all are d-wormed starting when they are 2 weeks old along with their mothers since worms mostly come from their mother's milk. Suppose you are far away and would be willing to trust us after you read and contact some people listed on our feedback pages which have been here in person. In that case, we are willing to ship you the puppy, and as always, we would want that puppy to be paid in full along with the shipping fee before shipping. I would have to check with the airline first to see their shipping fee since they always change their fees. All puppies shipped are first seen by a vet and must have a travel sheet/health certificate before shipping. It is a regulation by the airline. Being seen by a vet before shipping lets you know you are getting a healthy puppy. We have only shipped 6 puppies in the past 40 years. Most people come to pick them up in person.
Pictures posted throughout our site are either our past pets or from people who adopted from us years ago and have kept in touch with us over the years. Puppies that are for sale are listed on the Available Puppies pages.
We want to thank you all for visiting our website. We hope you find what you are searching for here with us; we again thank you!